Our mission is to transform the youth of the twin cities into faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.

Check out our youth programs.


Come check it out! Please enter through the Anchor Door (the door with the big Anchor sticker) on the west side of the building down the concrete steps. Hopefully we will see you there!

Questions? Contact pastor.eli.calvary@gmail.com

We have a children’s message every Sunday

Kids are the church’s little brother and sisters in Christ, part of covenant family. During every service, we invite children age 3 through grade 3 to come down to the stage to hear God’s Word. Here is a children’s message filmed by Pastor Eli and his wife Hannah.


Nursery for babies and toddlers is available during the worship services on Sundays.

Our nursery volunteers have completed backgrounds checks, youth volunteer training, and genuinely love kids!

The nursery is located through the Commons and down the steps (by Door 3).

If you have questions, contact Hannah who is our Nursery Coordinator at hannahrstark@gmail.com

Children’s Church

After the children’s message during the worship service, kids age 3-5 will be dismissed to children’s church during the sermon. They will sing more songs, hear a Bible study, and play games with our amazing adult leaders.

Any questions? Contact Eva Hedman here.

Sunday School

Pre-K through 12th grade

Pre-K to 8th grade students are adventuring through a 3 year, chronological, in depth study of the Bible by the Gospel Project. Every session includes a game, craft, Bible story, and discussion questions that always connect to Christ. Our Sunday School teachers are all members of our church who have experience teaching the Bible and enjoy seeing kids grow in their faith. The high school students study our treasure Reformed confession, the Heidelberg Cathecism, and other relevant topics.

2024-2025 Schedule


2nd-8th grade girls - 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights of the month 6:30-8:00 pm during the school year

Opening 6:30-7 pm

Groups 7:00-8:00 pm

2023-2024 Schedule

Interested? Contact calvarycrcgems@gmail.com


2nd-8th grade boys. 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights of the month 6:30-8:00 pm during the school year

Opening 6:30-7:00 pm

Groups 7:00-8:00 pm

Interested? Contact Julie Terpstra here.

Serve Trip

Every summer our church youth group sends a team of high school students with Pastor Eli to serve churches and communities across North America. They work, worship, and fellowship in Jesus’ name for a full week and leave changed by the gospel. Therefore Go Ministries equips local churches to host and direct these short term mission trips.

Twin Cities Serve

Every summer our church hosts a mission trip here to build the kingdom of God in the Twin Cities. Churches across North America send their youth groups for a week of worship services, service work, and friendship. Check out the highlight video to see the kingdom impact TC Serve makes on our city and teenagers.

Vacation Bible School

Pre-K to 5th grade


  • 2025 TBD

  • Monday-Friday 9 am to 11:45 am