Serve others
Nursery Volunteers
Access the nursery volunteer schedule and trade with others as needed. Thanks for caring for our covenant kids and blessing our church families!
View schedule here!
New Creation Food Shelf
Serve with our brothers and sisters in Christ at New Creation Baptist Church in Minneapolis by feeding the hungry in Jesus’ name.
Sign up to serve here!
Twin Cities Serve
Our church is hosting 68 visiting students and leaders from Illinois, Michigan, and Iowa, and equipping them to serve the Twin Cities in the name of Jesus from July 29-August 5, 2023. Join the ministry by serving as a prayer partner or a food team member.
Sign up here to be a prayer partner.
Anchor Meals
Parents of Anchor students (6th-12th grade) are asked to help out with our youth group ministry by bringing in 1-2 meals per year. Jesus made disciples around meals all the time and we like to follow his example! You can team up with other parents if you would like. Thank you so much!
WNA Meals
Wednesday Night Alive is a night of discipleship and a prime place for conversation is around the dinner table. Provide a meal and contribute to our church’s physical and spiritual health.
Required Youth Volunteer Training
We love our kids and want them to be safe. If you are volunteering with youth at Calvary (Sunday school, GEMS, Cadets, Anchor, VBS, TC Serve), you are required to complete this short but effective training.
Be trained to serve with youth here!